Author: Lauren Goracke

  • A Rose By Any Other Name…

    Close to 40 years ago at my yearly retreat, I literally was “hit between the eyes” by God. I realized, as I never had before, God’s deep, personal, passionate love […]

  • Far Away

    God is life. God is in our lives, and moves through our lives in everything and everyone we encounter, day and night. And most people don’t, or can’t, see God.Sometimes, […]

  • I Looked for Steve to Say Good Night

    I looked for Steve to say good night. When I found him, I walked over to him, and he turned to face me. Again, that double take. Again, it wasn’t […]

  • A Journey with God

    The day was cool with a hint of color. The sun was full of life, cooling breezes swept leaves offthe ground. Birds were singing as they made their way South […]

  • Wasting Time is a Loving Devotion

    I have been attempting to do contemplative prayer. My spiritual director explains contemplative prayer as “wasting time before God”. The idea is to be quiet and love God and let […]

  • The Joy of Presence

    You never know what the Lord has in store for you and/or your family as you open your eyes, mind, and heart to the light of the day. This was […]

  • My Mother Mary Miracle—The Beads

    When you lose your rosary beads, it gets your attention. In my case, it strengthened my faith in our community bonds, and the mysterious ability of our Blessed Mother to […]

  • Homily for the 15th Sunday OT – Cycle A

    Wait for it! Wait for it! God is at work in us, and it is grace that will enable us to be the fruitful soil into which God will plant […]

  • Bulletin 6/25/23

    Dear Friends and Parishioners, It is amazing to know that these are some final “Thoughts” I am writing to you at St. Mary’s in Moscow and Genesee. As a priest […]

  • Homily for the 11th Sunday in OT – Cycle A

    READINGS: First reading Exodus 19:2-6 You have seen how I treated the Egyptians and how I bore you up on eagle’s wings and brought you to myself. Therefore, if you […]