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Moscow Ministries/Organizations
If you would like to join any of the following organizations or ministries, please fill out our online Time and Talent Survey.
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament–first Friday of each month
- Email Prayer Tree Participant
- Prayer Partner–for youth, those becoming Catholic, or those receiving sacraments
Liturgy and Music
- Lector
- Eucharistic Minister
- Hospitality Minister
- Sacristan
- Altar Server
- Coffee Social Hour
- Art and Environment
- Music Ministry
- Singer
- Accompanist (piano or guitar)
- Organist
- Play Instrument
- Adult Choir–Adults and high school age youth
- Youth Choir–Youth in 6th-12th grade
- Children’s Christmas Choir–Children in 2nd-5th grade
Office Ministry
- General Office Assistance
- Bulk Mailing Helper
- Internship–16 or older; unpaid
- Tidy Up Pew Envelope Racks
- Bible Study/Faith Sharing Leader
- Bible Study/Faith Sharing Participant
- Marriage Prep Team
- NFP Instructor
- Finance Class Instructor
Youth and Children’s Ministry
- Catechist or Helper
- Youth Minister or Leader
- Youth Ministry Mentor or Helper
- Sacramental Preparation Catechist
- Youth Small Group Leader–14 years or older
- Vacation Bible School Leader or Helper
- Chaperone–age 21+
- Driver–age 21+
- Babysitting for special events–6th grade or older
- Youth Room Chaperone
- Youth Leadership and Planning Team–High Schoolers and Adults
Community and Outreach
- Service Projects–Church or Community
- Eucharistic Minister to the Home-bound—must be 16 or older and Confirmed
- Family Promise Volunteer–Help with Family Promise when they are staying at our parish
- Bus Ministry—Providing transportation for elderly/disabled to Mass and parish events; Driver or Helper
- Provide ride to someone to Mass–In your personal vehicle, outside of bus ministry
- Provide Food to Parishioners–During a challenging time
- Provide Food for Funerals
- Serve/Cleanup at Funeral Dinners
- Miscellaneous Help to Parishioners
- Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Coffee Social Coordinator–Schedule servers
- Coffee Social Volunteer–Serve coffee and donuts after Mass
- Snow Shoveling–Weekends around Church
- Church Cleaning
- Parish Maintenance Helper
- Special Event Helper
- Human Life and Dignity
- Social Committee
- Assist a family with tuition
- Serve Lunch–11am-12:30pm
- Tutor Students
- Read to/listen to students
- Recess Duty–with staff members
- School Library Helper
- Fundraiser Helper
- Driver for Field Trips
- Yard Work
- Snow Shoveling
- “Honey Do” Lists–general maintenance and miscellaneous tasks