If you would like to participate in any of the following Ministries or join one of the Organizations in the Genesee Parish, please contact the Parish Office at 208-882-4813 or office@stmarysparishmoscow.org.
Liturgical Ministries
- Lector
- Eucharistic Minister
- Sacristan
- Altar Server
- Art and Environment
- Music Ministry
- Singer
- Accompanist (piano or guitar)
- Organist
- Adult Choir
- Children’s Choir
Youth and Children’s Ministry
- Catechist or Helper
- Youth Minister or Leader
- Youth Ministry Mentor or Helper
- Sacramental Preparation Catechist
- Vacation Bible School Leader or Helper
- Chaperone–age 21+
- Driver–age 21+
Community and Outreach
- Summer Coffee Social Host
- Snow Shoveling around Church
- Church Cleaning
- Special Event Helper
- Harvest Festival Annual Parish Fundraiser