“May grace and peace be yours,”

1 Peter 1:2b

Religious Education Coordinator
St. Mary’s Church, Moscow

Jenny Morrison will continue in her position as Youth Minister and Safe Environment Coordinator. The RE Coordinator will work in collaboration with her to continue to grow the Family Faith Formation program at our parish.

The ideal candidate will have parish experience in religious education, excellent interpersonal skills, and the ability to call forth and nurture the gifts of others. This person will work with the parishioners, staff, and the pastor. Please return completed application to the office.

Stories of Faith: God’s Presence in Our Lives

Share with us how God is present in your life.
Contact l_ormond5@pacbell.net for consideration.

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St. Mary’s is called to be a prayerful, compassionate community centered in Jesus Christ.  As witnesses to Christ’s love, we are committed to accept and value each person.  Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we serve one another as members of the family of God. Through celebration of the Sacraments since 1882, the Holy Spirit continues to fashion our community to be a shelter of peace, a witness of hope, and a compassionate neighbor.

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St. Mary’s Catholic School:  If you are looking for a wonderful, joyful, and strong academic curriculum that encourages your child to grow, learn, and bloom as a child of God, St. Mary’s Catholic School is the place for you. Come check out our early childhood classes, PS (age 3), Pre-K, and Kindergarten through 8th grade.  See the joy and love our students experience each day.