Information about changes regarding the formation of a Pastoral Team in Latah County

February 13, 2023

Dear Members of our St. Mary’s Parish Family,

In October of 2022, Fr. Chase Hasenoehrl and I wrote to you about some possible changes to the Pastoral Team in Latah County. These plans indicated that upon my retirement in June of 2023, Fr. Chase would become Pastor of a new Pastoral Team for St. Augustine’s, the University of Idaho Campus Ministry program, St. Mary’s Parish and St. Mary’s Parish School, as well as the parishes in Potlatch and Genesee.

This arrangement has changed and there are no longer plans to form a Pastoral Team for the parishes of Latah County. Fr. Chase will remain as Pastor of St. Augustine’s Parish and St. Mary’s in Potlatch and continue in his role as Campus Minister. I will continue to remain as Pastor at St. Mary’s in Moscow and St. Mary’s in Genesee until a new priest is appointed on July 1

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At this point I do not know who the new pastor will be. That information is usually announced the Second Sunday after Easter on Divine Mercy Sunday. I am sending this note to our parish so everyone knows that this change is happening. Fr. Chase communicated to me this morning, Monday, February 13, 2023, that he will let the St. Augustine’s Staff and Parish know about the above information.

Please feel free to email me or call me if you have any questions.

Peace and Prayers,
Fr. Joe McDonald