Honestly, I’ve been terrified for months. I only had to get tested once. But on TV the nasal swab looked like it was about a foot long. I knew it would hit my brain like an ice cream headache. It wasn’t that bad. However, the moment you find out you may have been “exposed” your whole life changes. Four days in quarantine, waiting, was the worst part.
This parish is the best! Wonderful foods and desserts piled up outside my kitchen door.
Then there was “The Shot.” I didn’t have to worry just yet because I was way down on the list. I steeled my nerves for a shot in April. I wanted the Pfizer vaccine and not the Moderna. I wanted to wait my turn. I wanted my Doctor to give it to me and not go to a grocery store. And besides all that, the needle they showed on TV was at least 6 or 7 inches long!
All of that changed with new guidelines from the CDC. Teachers would be moved up on the list. Because we have a Catholic School in our parish, I got moved up. I got on line, filled out the form and made my appointment.
It wasn’t my Doctor, it was the Moderna and it was at the Latah County Fairgrounds. I parked, they called my name, I sat down, got the shot and waited about 15 minutes. By the way… the needle really isn’t that long!
I can’t tell you how much weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Yes, I did it for me… but I also did it for you.
Stay Safe,
Fr. Joe