Bulletin Column 8/7/22

Dear Friends and Parishioners,
While most of us are trying to squeeze in a few more things to do as August begins, here are
some other things you might consider adding to the list.

Each week on Monday through Friday St. Marys Church offers several opportunities to shore up
your spiritual life. It is important to remember that we are blessed. Our activities, our health, sense
of adventure, families and good fortune all come from God. Jesus and the Saints are great
traveling partners every day. So, a reminder about what goes on at our Church is an invitation
to relax and rest as summer continues.

First, our Church is open every day from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. each day. The Church is quiet,
cool and allows for prayer and relaxation in the middle of a busy day. Each morning, Tuesday
Friday we have Mass at 8:00 a.m. a great way to start your day.

During the month of August there are several special days in the Church Calendar. This
weekend, at Saturday morning Mass we celebrate The Transfiguration of the Lord. We
can ask ourselves: How has God changed me in my spiritual life? On August 15th we celebrate
The Assumption of the Blessed Mother into Heaven. This year it is not a holy day of
obligation but we will have Mass at 8:00 a.m. Other special days are the Queenship of
the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Passion of John the Baptist.

Adding prayer and practicing the presence of Christ in our lives can help us appreciate all we

So, enjoy Summer, but dont forget to be grateful and say a prayer of gratitude to our Lord.
