“Consider this: who ever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and who ever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:6-7
God entrusts gifts to each of us, including gifts of treasure: money and possessions. As disciples of Christ, we are invited to accept our gifts of treasure gratefully, to cherish and tend them in a responsibly and accountable manner, to share them in justice and love, and return them with an increase. To be good stewards of God’s gifts of treasure, we are called to give back in gratitude to God a portion of what he has given us. In the Old Testament, this was called the “sacred portion.” The sacred portion was used to care for the Levites (like priests) and the place of worship, widows, orphans, and foreigners.
God still calls us to give a sacred portion to the local church and to other worthy organizations and charities. The traditional tithe is considered 10% of gross income. Some families may find 10% to be right, and some families may find 10% to be too high or low. Each person’s decisions to give must be personal and prayerful. A suggested rule of thumb for sharing a gift of treasure is to give about half to the local parish, give about one-tenth to the diocese, and give the remainder to worthy organizations and charities.
In our increasingly digital world, St. Mary’s now offers electronic giving. You can set up your own recurring or one-time electronic donations through the Online Giving Portal. You can also set up a monthly direct debit by contacting the parish office.
There are many ways to give, and if you would like to receive contribution envelopes, please contact the parish office by email or by calling 208-882-4813.
Children and youth are also encouraged to practice stewardship. There is a children’s collection at each Mass that is sent to a specific organization or charity. There are special envelopes for children to use in the church. Children are encouraged to put gifts of pictures, drawings, or money inside the envelope and write a good deed on the outside. Parents seeking resources to help teach your children about stewardship or sacrificial giving are invited to contact the parish office.