Dear Friends and Parishioners,
We used to ask the question: “Do you remember where you were when President Kennedy was
shot?” I can remember being at Jessie Beck School in Reno. I was in second grade and
school was cancelled for the rest of the day. Now people ask, “Do you remember where you
were on 9/11?” I was Pastor of St. John’s Cathedral in Boise. I had gotten up early for
Mass and was on my way from Boise to Reno to celebrate my mom’s 71st birthday.
As I got into the car to leave, Fr. Jairo, the associate Pastor, told me there had been a
disaster in New York. We didn’t know what had happened but after I left Bishop Mike asked all
Catholic churches to gather with all the other Christian churches and faiths to pray for the
victims of that horrible day.
I listened to the radio all the way to Reno. I was shocked and felt very alone on the deserted Hi–
way 95. There were warnings on the radio that anyone traveling should find safety, because no
one knew if the entire USA was under attack. When I got home, I saw the images on TV.
Those images helped everyone remember where they were on that day.
A few years later I was in New York and went to “Ground Zero.” There were two big holes in the
ground and some wooden scaffolding so that people could walk around. Hanging on a
concrete wall were uniforms from firefighters and others that had sacrificed their lives that day.
My niece lived in New York and walked by FDNY Engine 54/Ladder 4/Battalion 9, every day. They
lost everyone on duty who responded that day. I bought a tee–shirt to support the families who
had lost a loved one that day.
I suppose in the future someone will ask “Where were you when ________ happened?” Let’s pray
it is not soon. Let’s hope we remember…