
Ever look up at the stars in the sky and wonder what those constellations are?  Come with us and learn!  We will have Professor John Morrison, Ph.D. who teaches astronomy at Lewis Clark State College there to point them out with his laser pointer.  Our very own Susie Johnson also works with NASA and has lots of great knowledge to share.

  • Please plan to wear masks and try to remain in groups 6 ft apart when possible.
  • We will be meeting Friday July 24th at 9 pm, you can plan to come a bit early as dusk settles. 
  • Location will be at the UI Arboretum by the Red Barn off of Palouse River Road.
  • If you have binoculars of your own you can bring those to maybe catch a glimpse of more objects in the sky.

We had a great time and lots of attendees.  Unfortunately the first night was cloudy but we came back the next night for a great showing of the night sky.  We saw Jupiter, Saturn, the Comet and a bunch of constellations!  If you would like us to do this again, please let us know and we can arrange a night to go out!